Sunday, September 27, 2009

Josh and His New Brother

It's quite the adjustment having a newborn around, and we are enjoying it!
Josh is such a cute big brother. He really likes to help me. So far we've only had to have one discussion about not picking up the baby without help. He was just trying to put Connor in his swing. I was changing a diaper and Josh grabbed a wipe and jumped right in and started helping me wipe him down. He holds a toy that plays music up so Connor can see and starts singing the ABC's (though the toy plays different music). It's cute to watch Josh with the baby and so far Josh has really liked having him around.
The other day as the baby was sleeping in his swing, Josh said, "Mommy, is it ok if Connor snuggles with my Tigger?" I thought that was nice he wanted to share so I said it was ok and the next thing I knew Josh had thrown in the Scooby Doo and his skunk as well. I frequently find the baby sleeping next to stuffed animals.
So far, Connor has not cried very much at all. He's been such a mellow baby, but when he does cry, this is how Josh copes with it. Josh also does this during church when a baby cries.
Daddy with new baby.
Me and my boys (minus the biggest one)!


Shari Baker said...

Josh sounds like he is such a big helper. Look at all that hair little Connor has! He's adorable. Good luck with the continuing adjustments of a newborn. So far, so good.

Allison said...

You all look great, and the baby is adorable. Love the name - congrats!!

Jordan and Andrea said...

Oh I can't stand it! I can't wait to get there. See you in a few days:)!

Ellen said...

Congratulations on your new little one. He is so cute!! I can't believe how much hair he has. All of my girls were born bald.

Again congratulations!!

Adam and Melisa said...

Congrats! I did not realize he was due so soon. The 17 is a great day...Megan's birthday! He is adorable and I love all that hair! Boys are soooo fun! Hope you're all doing well!