Monday, October 20, 2008

It has been a while!!!

I started this posting weeks ago and never got around to finishing it. The pictures are a couple months old now, but I thought I'd finish this posting anyway. Gary is back in school now, so he's gone a lot and keeps busy trying to stay on top of homework. I keep pretty busy trying to stay on top of everything else so he can focus on school and it has been crazy! We just got adjusted to having him home when he started school, and then we had to start all over adjusting to him being back in school. We're getting into a better routine now so hopefully we'll be able to handle the chaos a little better!!

Josh loves to go to the park to play. He really has a good time on the swings and slides.

He also likes to feed the ducks at Salem Pond.

These next few pictures are from Grandma Wood's 90th birthday party. Grandpa is 92 and they have been married almost 70 years! Josh and his cousin Jordan are pals. Jordan was a great help getting Josh to eat his food. The party was at my cousin's house, and the kids had a great time swimming in her pool. Josh absolutely loves to swim. He kept jumping off the side of the pool to me. He has absolutely no fear. He wanted to jump in by himself without me catching him, but he's not quite ready for that. Josh and Jordan are so cute playing together. They get along really well.

Sometimes this is a great sight for me to see, Josh fast asleep with his Snoopy, bear, and dog. We went several weeks with very little sleep because Josh kept waking up every half hour to hour for hours during the night. Then he was very cranky and very difficult all day from the lack of sleep. After being up all night it was really hard for me to function at work and stay on top of everything around the house. It took me quite a while to figure out Josh's lack of sleep was partly because he needed to go potty and wasn't awake enough to tell me, and partly because he cries in his sleep when he's dreaming. Now he's sleeping a lot better, which means we get more sleep, and it is amazing how much better you feel when you get some sleep!!!
Josh is great at helping me keep the lawn mowed!


Kirsten said...

I'm so glad you updated this...I've been such a bad friend not checking in but as always we are very busy....Will you be at the ball this year? It will be our last one (YAY!!!). We definitely need to catch up...

Allison said...

That is great Gary is back in school, what is he going to school for?

I'm amazed at all that you get done, you are superwoman! And Josh is getting so big...

Shari Baker said...

Hello! SO excited for the update. I definitely looks like you guys are staying busy. Orrin is in school as well. He's only taking two classes, but that's enough. I feel like I never see him. I'm sure it's even worse for you if Gary is into school full-time. I hope all continues to go well. Love you Guys!

Carrie Wood said...

Wow, you guys really do have a lot going on. I am glad you figured out the sleeping issues. What a hard thing! The lawn mowing pictures is adorable.

Ellie said...

Glad to see you are still here! Hope all is well with yall!