Sunday, July 22, 2012


The boys have been spending some time outside playing in the pool and slip-n-slide while I've been recuperating.  Connor would stay outside all day if we let him.  He could be frozen solid turning blue and still will throw a fit when we make him come inside to get warm.

Josh was able to do swimming lessons again this year and he had a blast.  He is pretty fearless and loves the water.  He didn't have a problem with jumping off the highest ledge to the water.  He did some pretty good cannon balls that were entertaining to watch, but he also did a pretty good belly flop.

The boys still spend a lot of time reading.  They never get tired of being read to!
Alexis didn't want to be left out!
The boys sure love their little sister.  They also like it when she wears bows and will sometimes ask me to put them on her.Lexie is in the habit of taking a nap between 8-9 p.m. and then will keep me up until 11 or 12.  Sometimes she'll wake up at 5 a.m. to eat and then as I'm getting her back to sleep, Connor will get up.  She is a good natured baby and only gets really upset when she wants to eat.

Napping with Daddy

Josh likes it when Lexie tucks him in at night.  Since she is the same size as his stuffed animal I offered to let him snuggle with her instead.
Josh utilizing the nursing pillow to hold his sister and for some reason she was not happy.
The boys think it is so much fun to have a baby sister in the house!

1 comment:

Carrie Wood said...

That is one cute family. We love you guys and miss you.
I really want to hold that little Lexi! I can't believe how big she is already! Some of those outfits bring back memeories. So cute!