We welcomed Alexis to our family on Thursday June 7. She weighed 7 lbs 6 oz and was 19 1/2 inches long. Around 7 a.m. they started me on the pitocin and six hours later she was here. I didn't like my nurse and things would have gone faster if I could have gotten her to turn up the pitocin, but I really can't complain. Everything went well and the recovery has been much better than expected.
The boys are so sweet with the baby. They both spend a lot of time holding her and have adjusted really well to having her around. There was one night Connor politely asked me to put her back in my belly, but other than that, they have both loved having her around.
The boys are so willing to share their toys with the baby, make sure she has her binki when she needs it, and her blanket. They are just so cute with her.