Friday, December 9, 2011


Josh has been into ninjas for a while now, so that was what he wanted to be for Halloween. We borrowed a cute tiger costume for Connor, but he wanted nothing to do with it. I had a really hard time convincing him to let me put it on him. Then he said something about a ninja, so I told him yes, he was in fact going to be a ninja just like his brother, only he would be a tiger ninja. After that we did not have a problem getting the costume on him, as long as he was a ninja like his brother.
I don't know how Josh ended up with so many weapons in his possession!
Josh's silly face on the pumpkin.
He pulled off the silly face so he could carve the pumpkin and Connor helped.
The pumpkin that Josh painted came out of grandpa Wood's garden. He chose the biggest one he could find and I was relieved that he wanted to paint it rather than carve it. The rest of the pumpkins came out of our garden.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Catching Up

I've been neglecting this blog for far too long and have been told it is time to update. I uploaded these pictures a long time ago, I just never finished the post. The past couple months have been a little chaotic for us, but things are going a little better now. We are expecting baby #3 to arrive around Gary and I's birthday in the beginning of June. I'm about 13 weeks now and was pretty sick, but since getting Zofran have been doing much better. I still get sick, but not nearly as bad. I'm just tired all the time.
During Payson's Onion Days we got to tour the fire station. The kids got to climb into the fire truck and ambulance and had a good time.
Josh even got to try on the fire man's helmet.
One of the things I really enjoy about the summers is being outside with Grandpa Wood. He is 95 years old now and enjoys sitting outside watching the kids play.
Watching Josh and Jordan play in the boat brings back a lot of memories from when I was a kid. My cousin Mike and I spent a lot of time playing in this boat as kids so it is fun to watch Josh and Jordan.
Josh learned to ride his bike this summer. He was really hesitant to try for quite a while, but once he figured it out I couldn't get him off it. I inherited a bike, and we started going on bike rides together and he really likes that. A couple times we rode bikes to and from school together.
Josh had a blast playing soccer with his cousin Jordan. The games were a lot of fun to watch.
Connor sleeping peacefully with all his little friends. Thanks to Grammy, Connor is never lonely when it is time to go to sleep!