I found that sending Josh to Jumping Jacks for a few hours is a great way to exhaust him. He had such a great time going down all the slides and keeps asking to go back.
This is the tallest slide there, and Josh being the fearless little kid that he is wanted to go down it. Since he's so small and it is such a big slide, I sent Gary up with him. They got to the top and before Gary had a chance to turn around and sit down, Josh had already gone down the slide. We spent a couple days at Zermatt in Midway. It was a fun thing to do as a family before Andrea and Jordan moved to Pennsylvania. The boys had a good time making their own game with the checkers while the others played chess behind them. We also spent a lot of time in the pool while we were there. Josh loves to swim. We got to have a test run at having a baby around the house. We got to watch my cousin's baby a couple time and Josh really enjoyed having a baby around. He was such a cute little helper. It got us all excited for our baby to come. I'm at 30 weeks now. The pregnancy has gone really well. I'm really starting to feel huge as the belly gets bigger and bigger and I'm starting to lose a lot of energy, but thankfully we haven't had any complications yet! For the 4th of July we headed to Richfield for the weekend. The kids had a good time on the slip-n-slide. Everyone at the parade, ready to catch candy. Josh, Jordan, and Kristy riding the four wheeler. Josh absolutely loves the four wheeler. He knows where my dad keeps the keys and will go get them out and ask for rides. If he disappears we can usually find him in the garage getting a helmet out and sitting on the four wheeler.