Monday, February 9, 2009

Time to Update

I've been told again it is time to update the blog! Josh and I have been sick so I haven't been very motivated. A couple weeks ago when I picked him up from the baby sitter's he ran up to me saying, "Mommy, mommy my neck hurts and I am sick." Then he cried and cried and cried. That's not like him, so I got him into the doctor that night. He had a sore throat and while we were waiting for the strep test results we realized that Josh couldn't turn his head side to side very well and couldn't go up and down hardly at all. We ended up having his neck x-rayed and everything looked ok, so then they did blood tests and those came back ok. We're not sure what happened but a couple days later his neck was back to normal. Then he ended up with a cough/cold which he was kind enough to share with me. Now we're both finally feeling better and hoping Gary doesn't get it!
Josh is getting smarter by the day. He knows where the treats are, and one day decided to get his stool out and help himself. So I put the treats on a higher shelf. He managed to get them while I was out of the room and I wasn't sure how at first. Then I caught him. He used the stool to get on top of the garbage can and then he could reach much higher. Another one of his latest accomplishments is that he has discovered that he can open the fridge/freezer all by himself. He is quite pleased with himself for this. I was in my bedroom getting dressed one morning when he came wandering in with some Dibbs saying, "Daddy got me a treat!" He took the lid off and started shoveling them in his mouth. 6:00 in the morning is a little early for treats but it was funny enough to earn him a few. I've had to rearrange things so he'll stop getting the ice cream and Popsicles out of the freezer.
Josh sporting his adorable new jacket Grammy Debbie gave him for Christmas. Josh and his new bed tent. I haven't convinced him to let me put it on his bed yet, but he really likes to hide. He has a balloon he puts inside his tent every night before he goes to sleep and also during naps. I guess that's where his balloon sleeps. Shooting some hoops with cousin Jordan. They are such cute pals. Early one morning Josh came into my bedroom and announced that he was going to Jordan's. I told him goodbye and he left my bedroom. A few minutes later he came back and told me he couldn't find Jordan's house. Jordan says stuff similar to this to Kristy. When I give Josh a snack he often sets some aside and says it is for Jordan. When he's playing by himself with his toys he also tells me which ones are for Jordan to play with.
Watching cartoons together.