This is the gingerbread man Josh decorated at a family Christmas party. When I saw what he was doing I came to the conclusion that Josh most definitely did not get any of my DNA! He is all Gary. Josh insisted on using all the same types of candy. He would not use M&M's or gum drops or anything else and he wouldn't mix up colors either. That is
sooo like his dad!
I really don't know what happened to the entire month of December. It was a blur and we kept really busy. It was a struggle to get Christmas shopping done with my two year old helper. My first weekend that I finally had time to go Christmas shopping the month was already almost half over. Best Buy happened to be the second store Josh and I went to, and he threw the biggest tantrum I've ever seen him perform. I quickly got what I was looking for but carried him out of the store crying and we ended up spending quite a bit of time in the parking lot before I could get him under control enough to drive him home and put him down for a nap. As soon as he woke up and was fed I tried again thinking a full tummy and a nap we'd be good to go. We walked into
Walmart, and it was completely packed with people. I had to search for several minutes before I could even find a cart and of course as soon as I found one Josh said he needed to go potty. Reluctantly abandoning the cart I worked so hard to get, I marched him to the restroom. He wouldn't go because the toilet automatically flushes with every move he makes and it scares him. Of course he ended up having an accident (luckily he was still in his pull up from nap time) and he was so upset about it we immediately had to go home. Things like this seem to be happening with more frequency and I can say without a doubt that Josh is most definitely in the terrible two's!!
I thought I'd do a quick post while I have a few extra minutes at work because I don't know when I'm going to have time to post Christmas pictures. I am in the process of painting our front room and it has turned into a much bigger process than I anticipated. After pulling off wallpaper on one of the walls I could see that the wallpaper was put up when the house was built, and nothing has been done to that wall since then. I could not believe that the house is almost 35 years old and I am the first one to change that wall!! I'm so excited I don't have to look at the 70's wallpaper anymore! We ended up having to texture and prime that wall before we could paint. After preparing that wall, patching holes, sanding, and pulling down molding I called the paint store so they'd have my paint ready when I got there and they were closed for New Year's. After all that work I couldn't do anything for two days because the store I needed to get the paint at was closed!
We should be able to finish the painting by the end of the week but for two weeks I've had a love seat in my kitchen and a lazy boy at the end of the hall way. My house is torn apart and it is a mess. I can't wait to finish so I can start cleaning and putting things back together!! In the next few weeks we hope to get new molding and a ceiling fan up and then I think I've had enough home improvement projects to last me at least until Spring!