This summer has been a very busy one even though it doesn't seem like we really did a lot. I can't believe it has been a month since I last posted. I've intended to post more pictures for about two weeks now but have been too busy, and we've all been sick!
This is our camping trip to Payson Lakes. I didn't get to go camping last summer since Gary was gone, and I didn't go the summer before because Josh was too small. I have really missed being in the mountains and was very excited to pull out all our camping stuff again!

It was so pretty up there!
Josh really enjoyed putting his feet in the water with Melissa, though he wasn't satisfied with just that. He wanted to get in the lake.

This was the path down to the lake that Josh ran up and down several times. I wish I had that kind of endurance in the high altitude!

He was entertained for the longest time sitting in his camping chair blowing bubbles.

He loved climbing on the big rock and jumping off it.

We borrowed my uncle's kayaks and Josh really enjoyed riding in the "boat".

This is American Fork Canyon. It was also a beautiful place to camp.

There were a few spots by our camp site that had run off coming down the mountain. Josh had a great time playing in the water, and after he was all wet fell down in the dirt and became pure mud. He really had a good time.

He is a great little helper. We have to be careful where we set the hatchet or axe because he will pick them up and start trying to use them!

In the tent with Erin!

Erin and Randy

Josh very much enjoyed doughnuts and chocolate milk for breakfast!

When we got home, Gary was exhausted. I told him I didn't want him on our couch or bed until he showered since he smelled like camp fire and was dirty, so I came in the house to find him dead asleep just like this on the kitchen floor, snoring and everything. It didn't even phase him when Josh tried to play with the golf clubs.