I've been meaning to post something for a while, but I have been rather busy. The pictures Gary sent were scrambled a little and I haven't had time to sort it all out. I thought I'd post some of his pictures and give an update on him.

This is Gary and Micah Sampson in their dress blues for mess night. Gary got picked on quite a bit, which I am sure he asked for, and he had a lot of fun.

I never made it to Camp
LeJeune while I was in North Carolina, but Gary took me on a tour of his room with his
web cam. I told him to take a picture of his neatly made bed, because as long as he lives with me he'll never see one made like that again. It would take me an hour to do that and then it would take about two minutes for Josh to mess it up!

Gary was able to have his own room the entire time he was at Camp
LeJeune. His roommate, who was from another unit, was on leave until October, so it was nice he was able to have a little privacy. I'm sure he won't have that luxury again during this deployment.
This is another view of his room at Camp LeJeune

This is Gary and Micah again. I can't tell you much about this picture other than that, because Gary didn't send captions with the pictures with names and explanations.

I don't know who these guys are. Maybe Gary could enlighten us when he's home in September for two weeks. I just thought the vehicles look interesting.

Gary is now at Fort Polk, Louisiana. They are being hosted by the Army now, so he says the food is better. He's been in Louisiana for about a week and a half and will be there for two more weeks. Then he will come home for two weeks before he heads to Iraq. I'm getting rather anxious to see him. Hopefully nobody has sent him any mail since he left for Louisiana because I sent him something two weeks ago and he still hasn't gotten it. His mail is supposed to go to Camp
LeJeune still and then they forward it from there, but I'm not having much luck.
We're more limited now with communication since he doesn't have Internet access and doesn't have as much time to talk. He kept pretty busy at Camp LeJeune, but his last few weeks there he had a little more extra time, and I really enjoyed that. We got our web cams hooked up so we could see and talk to each other over the Internet and were even able to play battle ship together once in a while over the Internet. I guess that is our version of "date night." In case you're wondering I beat him almost every time and got quite a kick out of it.
Hopefully while he is home he'll post more pictures with better explanations, and give a better update than I could on his training while at Camp
LeJeune and Fort Polk. Some of it has been really good, and some of it hasn't been very good. I guess he's had his ups and downs, but we're looking forward to spending some time together in a couple weeks.

A few more pictures from our trip... This is outside the aquarium we went to. Most of the ones from inside didn't work out as well, I guess because we couldn't get the fish to hold still while we took the pictures.

Josh and his daddy feeding goats at a zoo we went to.

Monkey #1

Monkey #2